According to data from Mexico’s tourism ministry, nearly 6 million US citizens visited Mexico in 2012. And in 2013, so far in the first quarter there’s been a 5.9% uptick in American tourists. This is an indication that many Americans are realizing that despite graphic news reports, much of Mexico is safe to visit. In fact, most of the violence in recent years has been tied to drug cartels and has mostly played out between the cartels and Mexican authorities. With common sense and wise precautions (hint: don’t get involved with drugs) as a tourist you are in little danger of trouble.

Not only are more Americans visiting Mexico, many are saying ‘hasta la vista’ to the United States and retiring south of the border. According to a recent CBS report, the average nest egg for retiring workers is about $55,000. Mexico offers American retirees a way to not only stretch their limited funds, but a chance to live the good life. There’s been an explosion of Americans moving south. This has particularly been the case for Californians who find LA loud and expensive. Former Hollywood makeup artist, Dan Greenway, who retired to the coast of Baja says, “It’s so quiet down here, I sleep like a baby.”

While a beach front lot in southern California will cost you an arm and a leg plus seven million, in Baja, you can get a spot on the beach for less than $100,000. Many live in mansion sized beachfront homes and pay less than $50 a year in property taxes. This has created a real estate boom in the northern coastal towns of Mexico. One town, Rosarita is already one quarter American with 70% of the beachfront American-owned. It’s like a suburb of San Diego, according to expert real estate agent Diane Gibbs; “the same weather, the same sunset, but without San Diego prices.” For many, it’s like the American dream, just in Mexico, and not unsafe.

We proudly offer Baja extentions for your Copper Canyon travel packages for unforgettable get-aways. Please feel free to contact us with any Copper Canyon Mexico travel questions.